An international association for adult neurological rehabilitation
2021 IBITA AGM/Congress
After careful consideration of the many factors associated with the Covid-19 pandemic and costs associated with cancelling the congress venue after early February, the decision has been made to cancel the in-person 2021 IBITA Congress and AGM. We appreciate this is disappointing for all membership. All voting shall be by postal vote again. This year the motions will not be restricted to essential only.
The 2021 online “AGM” shall be held on the NEW DATE Saturday August 28th 2021, times to be announced. Please keep this date free. The format of the online 2021 “AGM” and information exchange regarding motions are under discussion.
Plans are underway for online education for membership, including:
· The host country may deliver online education on Saturday Sept 25th, 2021 so please keep this date free.
· The Education Committee and the Research Committee are developing online education for membership throughout the year.We still hope the ITC modules may be delivered in-person in September 2021, please see the Instructor Training Committee information below.Our sincere appreciation goes to the Slovenian country group – Tatjana Jeglič and Tinka Rajher Boštjan for ALL of your work to prepare to host 2021 AGM / Congress and the ITC modules.
Covid-19: The Executive and Education Committees are continuing to work together to provide advice and guidance for planning and teaching IBITA courses during this pandemic.
Please remember to contact the Executive Committee for all exemptions and questions.
Please refer to the updated version of the Covid-19 Course Exemptions – Information for Membership LINK
Thank you to those members who shared their experiences of instructing Bobath concept practical content online on NON IBITA courses / webinars. If you have not yet completed the survey please do so before the extended deadline – March 1st LINK
If any member has any information regarding (1)Terms and Conditions policies and (2) Privacy policies regarding the use of images and video recording, please contact the Secretary ( as we are working to develop IBITA policies.
Supporting our learning and development: The Past Congress Resources page on the website has been updated with easier access links:
- Kim Brock’s lecture “New directions in rehabilitation research – new opportunities for the Bobath concept?”. The PowerPoint PDF and the Webinar Zoom Recording of this lecture which was presented at the Extraordinary Zoom meeting in August 2020 are available.
- “Revised Definition of the Bobath concept” by Julie Vaughan-Graham, Marc Michielsen and Ann Holland – Powerpoint / Webinar Zoom Recording 19th Sept 2020 / Webinar Zoom Recording 26th Sept 2020 and the PowerPoint PDF
We encourage all members to review this material. In addition, during this time of limited opportunities for teaching, assistantships and attending courses, we are asking mentors and country representatives to pass on information about educational opportunities to the Instructor-Candidates. This is particularly important within country groups where English is not the first language.
If there are Conferences, congresses or online educational opportunities that are relevant to our membership please send the details to the Secretary ( and they can be added to the website and newsletters.
Instructor Training Committee
The ITC is pleased to announce the details of the online educational opportunity for instructor- candidates has been posted on the IBITA website
This is an incredible educational opportunity for all instructor-candidates in times where education is limited. Please check the website for details and register soon. Please note the registration and payment deadline is 15th March 2021.
ITC has spent many hours in discussion around the best way forward with the 2021 Modules and the ITC is committed to keeping the door of possibility open for in-person Modules in 2021. However at this time, Slovenia has many restrictions that would not allow us to teach today. As such we have decided to delay the date of decision regarding the ITC Modules to the end of May in the hope we will have more certainty at that time
We are in discussion with Slovenia regarding the IC Locomotion Module September 2021 dates, with a possible change by a few days. We will provide these dates on the website and in the next newsletter once confirmed.
This means that if the IC Locomotion Module is held in September, the module registration will open on 1st June and the Instructor-Candidate Training Module Grants deadline will be EXTENDED to June 15th 2021. Please refer to the Policies and Procedures 5.1.2 Instructor-Candidate Training Module Grants. Module registration must be completed prior to grant application submission.
Instructor Candidates will have priority registration until 30th June.
Please note this will mean that there will be a very short time from registration opening and the payment deadline of 30th June for Instructor-candidates.
Research Committee
The Research Committee would like to inform you that there is a new poster on the public website – The Bobath Concept: a case series report by Klaus Gusowski is available via this link LINK
Nominating Committee
Please remember that it will take a long period of preparation for the elections at the IBITA AGM 2021.
Again we want to invite all of you, to put your name or the name of a colleague for nomination. You will find the updated list of open posts below
Committee | Number of vacant posts |
Executive Committee Chair person Executive Committee: Vice chairperson (a vacancy will be created if the current Vice Chair is elected to chairperson) |
1 |
Executive Committee Member at large |
1 |
Appeals & Grievance Committee | 1 |
Research Committee | 1 |
Education Committee | 3 |
Bobath Development committee | 2 |
Nominating committee | 1 |
Verification Committee | 1 |
Instructor Training Committee | 1 |
Qualification Committee / Europe | 1 |
We are happy to receive your declaration of interest or any questions.
Kind regards and stay well!
Cecilia, Koji, Heike
Heike Frauendorf
Cecilia Lofgren
Koji Takahashi
Qualification Committee
The Committee are looking to recruit Panel members to support the Qualification Process.
If you have any questions about the role of a Panel member please see the Procedural Manual or contact Camila – To apply to join the Panel, please complete the Expression of Interest form LINK
Theoretical Workbook Working Group
Dear Members,
We would like to inform you that we have ceased our official work as the IBITA Workbook Working Group.
We would like to thank all members who responded to the questionnaire and supported our work. The members’ feedback, collected by the questionnaires, was very helpful for this project. It can also facilitate further work and projects.
By analyzing the feedback, it was evident that there is a significant diversity in what we perceive as optimal content for a workbook, in particular in regards to the depth of content. In addition, other published sources may be used as a teaching resource, and issues in regards to copyright and challenges to maintain current content were identified. Following collaboration with the Education, Research and Executive Committees it was agreed that IBITA would benefit from the development of learning objectives and selected recommended reading for each of the basic course core curriculum lectures. The Education Committee have agreed to take this task on. Therefore, the Workbook Working Group shall share the member feedback with the Education Committee and will stop the project “IBITA Workbook”.
As individual members, who are mostly not organized in national groups, we are keen to continue working as an individual group, and therefore exchange course content and support each other in the development of our basic course theoretical lectures. The high level of commitment and willingness to share, compare and deepen the knowledge of the course content, gives us a good opportunity for personal development.
We would like to say thank you to all membership for the help so far. Moreover, in case a member would like to have more information about our individual group, is invited to contact one of us.
Theoretical Workbook Working Group
Doris Kutscher-Meurer, email:
Tinka Rajher, email:
Kostas Kypriotis, email:
Eva Manta, email:
Norma Lopez, email:
Kirsi Säynevirta, email:
Instructors to teach a Basic Course in Egypt
We have been contacted by a therapist in Egypt who wishes to host a Basic Bobath course in Egypt later in 2021 or in 2022. If you are interested, please contact me and I can give you more information.
Finally, if you have any information for the next newsletter, please send it to me by 15th March 2021.
Janice Champion
IBITA Secretary