The Research Committee Advisory sub-group is responsible for local support for research initiatives previously revised by RC (advise/help in completing the research protocol, point out the documents/place of the bioethics committee, possibilities for local financial support for research activity).
Selection Process
- The Research Committee has invited members with university credentials by sending the personal invitation and a short survey to be completed on the experience, interests and research achievements of the invitee. Subgroup members are self-nominated once responding positively to the invitation letter and filling the survey.
- Sub-group members should have research post graduate
- The sub-group consists of representatives from as many IBITA member countries as possible
- The initial term of office is until the 2024 AGM, at which time the role of the subgroup according to members’ use and benefit shall be reviewed.
- Chairperson of the Research Committee will be also the Chair of the subgroup.
- Research support request shall be submitted to the Research Committee by any member.
- The Research Committee according to its purpose will assist in identifying relevant research questions, will advise on setting up research protocols or evaluate one.
- The Research Committee shall request Sub-group member/s action on submitted member’s request taking into consideration the city/country in which the study will take place and/or research area of the sub-group advisor/s.
- The sub-group advisor/s and applying IBITA member will contact directly, when needed, reporting to the Research Committee the action taken and recommended solutions.
The sub-group shall function as a trial for 3 years (AGM 2021 to AGM 2024) At this time, the Research Committee shall provide a constructive evaluation of the work of the sub-group and provide recommendations to the Executive Committee 2024 Mid-Year Meeting in preparation for the AGM 2024.