IBITA is the international organisation of Instructors, teaching the Bobath concept applied to the assessment and treatment of adults with neurological conditions.
IBITA was formed in 1984 for the specific purposes of providing a forum for defining the continued interaction and education of its present instructors and the training of future instructors and for the formulation of the Byelaws and Rules & Regulations of the organisation with respect to the teaching of the Bobath Concept worldwide.
Today IBITA unites Instructors (Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists) worldwide, representing more than 255 members in 29 countries.
IBITA is an association according to Article 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Law Book.
The association is seated in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland.
Throughout the world, adults with neurological dysfunction will be assured of the services of an interdisciplinary team trained in neurological rehabilitation, originating in the Bobath concept and developed in accordance with current knowledge.
- Members of IBITA plan, organise and run courses worldwide to train physical, occupational and speech therapists, medical doctors and registered nurses in the assessment and treatment of adults with lesions of the central nervous system.
- Members of IBITA ensure that their teaching and clinical practice is founded upon and reflects current understanding of motor control, neural and muscle plasticity, motor learning and biomechanics, integrated within the Bobath concept.
- Members of IBITA recognise the importance of evidence-based practice and evaluate the research literature critically in order to implement such practice.
- Members of IBITA strive constantly to improve their own standards of clinical expertise and to impart their knowledge and skills.
- Members of IBITA play an active role in the training of new instructors.
- Members of IBITA are aware of the need for research into the theoretical assumptions and clinical outcomes of treatment, and undertake to publish their findings.
- Members of IBITA accept their role in education and empowerment of the patient, family and other caregivers.
- Members of IBITA promote at all times the vision, mission and objectives of IBITA, in their clinical and teaching practice as well as in interaction with other professionals, with national and international organisations and with the public.