An international association for adult neurological rehabilitation
Executive Committee News:
The minutes of the 2019 AGM are now available on the website – LINK
If you have any questions about the items discussed please contact [email protected]
There was a very good discussion about the need to increase our income to cover new developments and the Qualification Process (LINK). Please read and note the second to last slide includes members suggestions. Please send any other ideas to me by 31st December being as specific as possible. Email: [email protected].
The proposal for a Scientific Director was discussed (LINK) and the presentation given by Julie Vaughan-Graham (LINK). Please could members discuss this issue in their country groups and / or with colleagues and send their ideas to the Research Committee Chairperson by 31st December, 2019. Miguel Benito García Email: [email protected]
2023 – we invite any country considering hosting the 2023 AGM / Congress to contact us
Education Committee
Redefining the Bobath concept publication and manuscripts: The Education Committee continues to collaborate with Julie Vaughan-Graham and Marc Michielsen to prepare for publication manuscripts from the Delphi study ‘Re-defining the Bobath concept’. The following paper has been more recently published. Vaughan-Graham J, Cott C, Holland A, Michielsen M, Magri A, Suzuki M, Brooks D (2019) Developing a revised definition of the Bobath concept. Physiotherapy Research International. Vol 24 Issue 2 e1762. The final paper ‘A revised definition of the Bobath concept’ has been submitted to Physiotherapy Research International for publication.
The Education Committee is working proactively to build on and develop membership resources with respect to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Your feedback is important to us and we value your opinions. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey if you haven’t already done so. Please click on the link below and take 5 minutes to complete the survey.
The “Perspective on aspects of the ICF” – LINK
Qualification Committee
The Qualification Committee would like to invite members to register to be a “More Experienced” Instructor (MEI). Information about the role of the MEI is available in the Procedural Manual and the requirements are listed below.
The Instructor should provide evidence of all the Essential requirements and two of the three Desirable requirements.
- Essential requirements
- Full member of IBITA for a minimum of five years
- Taught a minimum of five Basic Bobath Courses since qualification
- Experience in evaluating Instructor-Candidates on Basic Courses in the previous 5 years.
- Experience of mentoring Instructor-Candidates
- Desirable requirements
– Can provide evidence of positive feedback from an IC on completion of their assistantships
- Can provide detailed evaluation / documentation of the IC, written in English.
- Should have completed an IC Training Module.
The Expression of Interest form is available in Google Docs (LINK)
Planned courses
All members are reminded to post your courses on the PUBLIC webpage Planned Courses
Please log in to your member profile to input the course details
Courses in countries with no IBITA Country Representative
Member collaboration BEFORE courses are finalised is important to facilitate success and prevent course conflicts.
Please notify me if you are planning to teach in countries that do not have a country representative giving details of the proposed course and the country. This information will be posted on a new webpage to allow you to access necessary information to collaborate with each other before finalising course location and date.
If you have any information for the October newsletter please send it by 15thOctober.
Kind regards
Janice Champion
IBITA Secretary